My home, my wonderful friends, my family, my furniture, all my shows, diet mountain dew, the gym, my kitchen, my kids sleeping on their own, Delani being happy, doing Kathy's hair, stopping by Lynne's, the Gap, Levis, Roachton road, my dyson, watching out my front window, laying on my living room floor, Marcies kids, dropping my kids at Marcies when I needed a break, American food, Giant Eagle, Fiber-one bars, TARGET!, Lanis friends, sitting in my garage at night with friends, Columbia Winery Resling, complaining to Kathy for hours while she entertained the kids, Shamas, driving on the other side of the road. I could go on forever. Firas told me to relax I have only been gone a month and a half but it feels like forever. I'm homesick.