Thursday, January 29, 2009

I miss...

My home, my wonderful friends, my family, my furniture, all my shows, diet mountain dew, the gym, my kitchen, my kids sleeping on their own, Delani being happy, doing Kathy's hair, stopping by Lynne's, the Gap, Levis, Roachton road, my dyson, watching out my front window, laying on my living room floor, Marcies kids, dropping my kids at Marcies when I needed a break, American food, Giant Eagle, Fiber-one bars, TARGET!, Lanis friends, sitting in my garage at night with friends, Columbia Winery Resling, complaining to Kathy for hours while she entertained the kids, Shamas, driving on the other side of the road. I could go on forever. Firas told me to relax I have only been gone a month and a half but it feels like forever. I'm homesick.


  1. i miss a lot of those things too. lol! keep your chin up! love ya - hol

  2. You know time will go fast and soon you will be home! Remember you are doing this so you and your kids can have the best life and education. Keep yourself busy with them and things you enjoy. I love you mom

  3. I just read Holly's blog about being happy. I wanted to chime in a couple of things that make me happy.

    1. My family
    2. Friends and great music (esp. while driving...)
    3. A beautiful day
    4. "A-ha" moments... or revelations, whatever you want to call it
    5. A hug from Jason, when he kisses the top of my head. (I dont know why, but that rocks!! How can 2 people be guaranteed of success in marriage? I dont know all of the answers, but for him to still love me after all these years and everything I have put him through...)
    6. Medals earned at races and triathlons... I love the adrenaline and the sweat and pain!!!!
    7. Watching other people's kids grow (enough said!)
    8. When Jason calls me "Moby the plant Slayer." Its my superhero name, if I ever get to be one. I have about a dozen happy house plants and the memories of 30-score who have not made it...

    Anyway, love you Heather and want to visit...


  4. Oh, and one other thing that makes me sooooo happy... When my boys (yeah, the Steelers) win the superbowl!!!

    Love to Pitt!!


  5. awe heather, bless your heart. it must be hard adjusting. i remember when we just moved to cali, not a whole different country and continent, even though it felt like it, i had a hard time adjusting. it took several months and when it came time to move, it was one of the hardest moves to make. at some point i embraced it and now living in tn for 1.5 years, i still miss things about cali and pine for them almost daily! i'm really enjoying reading about your adventures there. i hope our family can have a similar experience someday, by living in a new country for a short time. hope today is a good for you! sending you smiles and hugs! nicole

  6. Hi kiddo,

    I miss you too!!!! but..... you are where you need to be for now. Firas needs his family together and Delani will adjust, give her time. I hear you may have some visitors coming. Delani and Meghan will have a blast together. I only wish it was me coming too. Haven't worked much lately and it is these days that I really miss having you across the street. Call me please!!!!!!!! I would love to chat. Chin up, warm weather is coming, July will be here before we know it. Love to you all, Lynne
